'Pending' listings:

Any listings that require changes to be made by you (the seller) will be marked as 'PENDING' by Vinterior on your account via your Listings pageThere will be a reason given to you in the notes of the listing for you to apply the necessary changes.

If any of your listings need updating, you will receive an email with the subject "You have X number of listings to update". 

The top 3 reasons your listing could be pending: 

  1. The price needs to be inputted.
  2. Key information is missing like the item dimensions, description, etc.
  3. The photographs could be of better quality. 

'Require changes' listings:

Any listings that require changes to be made by you or Vinterior team member that created the listing will be marked as 'REQUIRES CHANGES' by Vinterior on your account via your Listings page.

There are a few different reasons as to why Vinterior would send back a listing to the seller or a Vinterior team member, but there is always a note left to explain it. 

It is usually related to the images, the description, incorrect fields, etc.

How can sellers access these listings?

  • Sellers can find listings that require changes and pending listings via this link here.
  • They are also accessible through the My Listings section of your dashboard under 'View Listings Requiring Your Action' at the top left of the page.