Buyers have a 14-day return policy from the moment the item is received.
In the rare event that an item arrives damaged or defective, customers have 30 days from the date of delivery to return it for a full refund or to have the issue fixed. These timelines are based on the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

  • Items that are personalised.

  • Made-to-order to specific requirements.

Steps for the sellers:

  1. Ask the buyer to request a return through their Vinterior account.
  2. Give the buyer your return address. 
  3. Once the item has arrived back with you, confirm that the item has been received in the same condition. 
  4. Vinterior then refunds the buyer for item fee. The delivery fee refund will depend on the type of return. 

Vinterior Tips:

  • Need the small print? Here is a link to the Vinterior Return Policy and should take 5 minutes to read.
  • If you would like to find out whether the delivery fee is refundable for a return, please read How to handle returns.
  • Should you decide to refund partially the client after being paid by Vinterior, Vinterior would not recalculate your commission based on the gesture you offered.
  • If you would like to partially refund a buyer after you were paid, you will have to directly refund them.