Based on the Vinterior return policy, buyers have a 14-day return policy from the moment the item is received.
In the rare event that an item arrives damaged or defective, customers have 30 days from the date of delivery to return it for a full refund or to have the issue fixed. These timelines are based on the Consumer Rights Act 2015.

Cases of return that are not eligible:

  • “Vendors may refuse a return of an item if it has been altered by the Customer in any way.”

  • “Please note that vintage items are not sold as new and are likely to show signs of wear and tear. This is not sufficient grounds for a refund.”

  • “If an item is returned to the seller damaged, or in an unsuitable condition, Vinterior will not be able to process the refund and the seller may have to send it back to you (and ask you to cover the delivery costs). All items are inspected on return.”

In any case, when a return request is made on Vinterior, a Vinterior team member will leave the return instructions on the order to ensure that all parties are aware of how to move forward. 

The instructions will provide advice on couriers, the return deadline, and a request to the seller to let us know when they have received the item. Without this, we cannot issue the refund.